Creating Websites Without HTML Coding

Creating websites without HTML is possible. There are many web hosting companies that offer this type of service for those who wish to create a website for their company without having to learn about HTML codes. These companies have made it possible to host your website without the need of using any special HTML coding. HTML coding is a common coding pattern used to create hypertext links in web pages so that the text can be changed to make it more visually appealing, but using HTML codes can limit a website to how many characters it can display per line of text.

The code to create a website with HTML and not needing to use HTML is quite simple. A visitor to the website will first visit the resource that is contained on the web page. Then a visitor will see a divider which contains one or more flash images depending on the program or platform that the presenter has been hosted on. If you have been invited to be a speaker at a conference or similar event, then you should know how to add a Flash Player plug-in to your presentation so that all of the information including video will be viewable without any special HTML training.

Now imagine being able to give a webinar using the WordPress platform without having to know HTML. This is possible and it can be easily achieved by learning how to use WordPress as a blogging platform. WordPress offers a plug-in called All-in-One-SEO that can save you tremendous amounts of time when creating and running a blog. All-in-One-SEO makes it easy to get the right keyword density for your blog posts and make them search engine optimized. WordPress has become an incredible tool for bloggers, speakers and business people of all types to help them make more money online and to grow their businesses.